Viso is trusted by Fortune 500 companies and industry leaders worldwide
The most innovative companies in the world use Viso Suite as their computer vision platform

See How Leading Organizations are Accelerating AI Vision Outcomes
Get inspired by the stories we've helped write

Rhomberg Unlocked Massive Value in Construction with Viso Suite’s Enterprise Computer Vision Infrastructure
Rhomberg, a leading European construction enterprise, turned to Viso to leverage their data, train custom models, build and deliver custom applications that can scale. With Viso Suite, Rhomberg implemented a real-time site management and tracking solution.
80 hrs
labor eliminated per week
in direct cost savings
regulatory compliance

The leading international logistics provider builds and delivers end-to-end computer vision with Viso Suite.

Building computer vision applications using Viso Suite allows us to deliver business value faster and easier.
Carlos Arredondo, AI Lab Lead

Viso Suite helps us to speed up the delivery cycle of computer vision and simplify our ecosystem.
Francesco Traversa, Data Scientist

More quotes from some of our favorite customers

Viso Suite allows to take video streams, analyze them in a deep-learning model and draw insights in real-time at the edge, which results in real business impact.
Arkadiusz Hruszowiec, Global Sales Director

We needed an end-to-end solution able to meet strict privacy requirements. With Viso Suite, we can integrate existing camera and software systems across platforms.
Ramon, Göldi, Head Smart City

Viso Suite provided a way to build and roll out a flexible vision system to production, achieving significant cost savings.
Thomas Ernst, Head National Transports

Usually, it’s a hassle to get the video, store it, run the deep learning model, use the output data – resulting in repositories of code that is hard to maintain. The visual no-code tools of Viso Suite make it much easier to create, deploy and maintain applications.
Mihai Cvasnievschi, Lead AI Developer

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Join the leaders who build and deliver Computer Vision with Viso Suite.